Needs Report
The CIRMS Science and Technology Committee draws upon expertise from industry, academia, and government to periodically publish a Needs Report which outlines the current needs in the ionizing radiation community with respect to radiation measurements and standards. The needs are delineated as Measurement Program Descriptions (MPDs) that describe the objective(s), provide background information and motivation, and outline action items and resources required for success.
CIRMS hopes that the Needs Report will help identify and prioritize efforts in fields of ionizing radiation measurements and standards. In an era of constrained government resources, the Needs Report represents areas warranting program attention as determined by a consensus of expert stakeholders. It is the position of CIRMS that adequate resources should be allocated so that the objectives outlined in each MPD can be accomplished.
The first Needs Report was published in December 1994 and was widely distributed amongst the CIRMS membership, NIST management and important decision-makers in other Federal agencies. CIRMS has since periodically reviewed the progress on the programs described in the Needs Report, with follow-up reports being produced on a roughly triennial basis. Since 2017, the Needs Report has been reconceptualized as an online ālivingā document allowing for collaborative editing called the Dynamic Needs Report. In 2023 the format of the Dynamic Needs report changed from a wiki to GitHub repository.
Dynamic Needs Report
Anyone can view the Dynamic Needs Report using the link below. To add/remove needs to the report or to make other changes, please reach out to the CIRMS leadership or committee chairs to gain access to the wiki report.