Randall S. Caswell Award
About the Award
Randall (“Randy”) S. Caswell, was the driving force behind the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS) and one of its principal founders. In 1992, Randy, then Chief of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Ionizing Radiation Division (now Radiation Physics Division), realized that the Nation needed an organization of scientists and engineers who were dedicated to ionizing radiation measurements and standards. His vision was that the organization would have equal representation from industry, academia and government, with the presidency rotating among these important constituencies. Randy died on August 13, 2018 at the age of 94.
In 2000, CIRMS created the Randall S. Caswell Award to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to ionizing radiation measurements and standards for the Nation. Randy was the first recipient! Selection for the Randall S. Caswell Award is based in part on demonstration that the nominee has actively furthered the mission of CIRMS through leadership, participation, research, and/or mentoring.
The CIRMS Executive Committee shall determine if an award will be made and at what frequency.

Randall Caswell 1924 - 2018
Caswell Fellows

Caswell Award 2017 - Peter Almond

Caswell Award 2016 - James Deye